A Chilean Landmark

 Hello! Today it's a pleasure to talk to you about the Main Square of Castro

This place is located in Chiloe Island, more specifically in front of Church of san francisco, is the center of the city and the heart of it I visited the Island during my vacation around January of 2022 with my family, we take the decision of travel to chiloe, because we had heard that it was a magical and beautiful place but very far from the rest of the world. We land in Mocopulli airport and we got straight to Castro to visit some places, but the main event was the Church of San francisco, this building have protection by UNESCO for being a World Heritage, inside of the construction there is a paint of Archangel Miguel and is all made of wood with no nails We decide take a lot of tours beginning with one named "Recta Provincia" that talks about the area, and how witches inhabited these places and used them for ancient witchcraft and that sort of things. Other tour get us to an abandoned city, and i was quite uncomfortable, all the infrastructure was demolished or just rotted and a lot of places were looted but the church was pristine We also go to the "Cocinerias", located in the city , they cook all type of thing with potatoes like: Chapalele and Milcao. I was really impressed when I saw the preparation of the "Curanto" which is cooking underground, beef, pork, potatoes, sausage, covered in a plant named "Nalca" Personally i really enjoyed staying in Chiloe, not only for the food, that was excelent, but for the histories and leyends who lives in this islands that make chiloe a special place to know about our culture and learning of our history. All the churches that are in chiloe are a vestigie of the land and his creences for decades
