Interesting Trip

 I never go out from my country, but I travel into diferents places in Chile. In my least trip I went to the South of my country with my family, we were my Grandma, my Uncle, my cousin and I. We does this trip in a car, making stops in diferents places, like Frutillar, Salto del Laja, Valdivia, Villarrica, Temuco, Pucón... Until we arrived Puerto Mont, then we went back to Panguipulli, when we stay for two weeks.

When were stayed in Panguipulli, the cabins were literally in front of the Panguipulli lake, with my cousing everyday in the morning, put us on swimingsuit and goes to the lake, the water was so clean and cold, but it was a good experience then in the afternoon, we went to Villarrica and Pucón to see the diferents Craft Fairs and different places, like the "Ruca Mapuche" a museaum about Mapuche culture, the show us the clothes, typical food and a loot of intersting things about the mapuches, to the center of Villarrica and we eat a loot of corn with butter, that was soo tasty and sweet. Then we have to go back to Santiago in the car, it took like 8 hours or more, but I have a nice experience and i would like to go again. 
